Amelia is a nurse, birth educator, lactation consultant and mum.

Amelia has a warm and empathetic approach to her practice, always ensuring that every family she supports are encouraged to find their own goals and preferences in their pregnancy and postpartum journeys. Amelia wholeheartedly believes that every family unit are unique, and should be supported in a manner that incorporates all facets of care. Amelia is passionate about evidence-based, holistic birth education and teaches the Hypnobirthing Australia program, after personally using it for both of her births.

Amelia enjoys helping all families thrive with feeding their babies, but has a particular interest working with feeding challenges involving tongue ties, prematurity, and educating parents on the importance of coregulation and attachment.

Amelia is also a mum of two young girls and understands the challenges of new motherhood and the vulnerabilities it brings. Amelia is passionate about ensuring that parents are able to feel supported, nurtured and respected, so that they can best care for their little ones.


Amelia’s qualifications:

·        Bachelor of Nursing

·        Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health

·        International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

·        Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner